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Student Presentation at NITC Summit 2019

Dr. Hyun speaking at Engineering Saturday

Using Tempera is a walk in the park

Using Tempera is really just a walk in the park. If in that park you'll meet a baby, using Tempera will become as easy as taking candy from that baby. If there's a picnic going on and there's cake, you can consider yourself invited and things will become a piece of cake.

Tempera lives up to your expectations

Especially if your expectations are fluffy clouds. In that case it may even surpass your expectations; then your expectations will start having expectations of their own which of course Tempera will be able to fulfil as well.

Tempera is a breath of fresh air

It's like being on a frozen mountain top. It's like getting there and not being able to climb back down. It's like having to survive in that hostile environment for months just by eating insects and drinking tea made out of twigs.


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Featured Project 1. Mobility Solution for Older Adults

Featured Project 1. Mobility Solution for Older Adults
Dr. Hyun received an US DOT sponsored project.
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